Friday, May 8, 2009


Why all terrorists are Muslims? This is a question that now a days spirals around our heads all the time as events around us, political and apolitical, are firing this odd unpleasant theme to be set for every debate, every discussion and silent thinking. To answer this question, some intellectuals make a deep dive into religions, their teachings, their scriptures etc etc and come out with fascinating contrasts as how the sea is so different at the surface and at the abyss.

There is a popular belief that all this tattered image of Muslims is attributed to the unscrupulous propaganda of the WESTERN (read AMERICAN) MEDIA. There is uproar that this is the religion, the religion of ISLAM which advocates violence and discrimination. I feel simply surprised. What has the Western Media done so bad? They have collected and reported stuffs that have happened all around. Unlike Indian Media which takes journalism one step ahead, towards activism and morality-preaching, I think Western Media has done its job quite professionally.

Some people argue that Islam, like (or somewhat like) all other religions have similar guiding themes-PEACE-JUSTICE-HUMANITY-…………………(infinity). It is only a few people who in the name of ISLAM are lashing the inhuman violence. I am pained to say that, it is not the number or proportion of the Muslims which is significant, it is the number (which is huge) of people which it victimizes. And the peaceful and benevolent among the Muslims unfortunately have never been able to counterfeit this force, which is omnipresent in every Muslim community, in every nook and cranny of the world (except those fortunate places where there are no Muslims!)

Now let us come to JEHAD, which is touted as the most misunderstood concept among non-Muslims! My question is – why would there be any need to understand this or any other word attached to Islamic ideology. You can present a very aesthetically carved out meaning of Jihad, Islam, this, that and so on. But will that undo the cruelties and violence done in the name of Jihad? Will that anyhow take the wrath out of this word as it appears in the hate-mails of the Indian Mujahideen? What do you want us to believe? You expect the lamb to love the knife that cuts it apart, giving the logic that it is the butcher not the knife which is responsible? But unfortunately, to an innocent lamb, both the knife and the butcher are enemies. He has a reason to fear both! Because a knife needs a butcher and the butcher needs the knife, two coming together to slain the lamb. Please for God’s sake do not expect non-muslims to take interest and time into studying your scriptures, ideologies and terminologies, because they are victimized by them. If this is a tactic to draw people towards Islam, then I fear, it is the worst tactic. Please expect a non-Muslim to be what he is – A non Muslim, a blessed creature on this earth, who by most natural reasons would not take interest extra interests into other religions just as Muslims would not take interest into other religions(of course they do so quite often to prove that they are inferior, but leave this apart for the time being)

The next face-saving argument is that terrorism is a political process and religion and religious communities have nothing to do with it. Here is a twist! For most of the eastern religions, Hinduism, Buddhism, Sikhism etc it is indeed true. Centuries of evolution have somehow kept politics and religion apart in these communities. But is it such about Islam? The answer is NO! All abrahmic religions tend to attach themselves with politics some way or the other. Among Christians, the dominance of church in every sphere of life, was prominent during some period of history. But against this traditional system, the western Christian society came up with SECULARISM, which segregates church from state. Has any such evolution taken place in Islam? NO! I often hear preachings from some Muslim conscience that no religion teaches to kill innocents. This invariably comes as naïve guesses from people who have drawn a very generalist and simplistic idea about religions without ever having spent humble amount of time studying them in particular.

Some Muslim souls say that they are afraid, they are insecure, they are victims, they are tortured! They are being discriminated here and there and everywhere outside the Ummah! Have they ever asked their conscience, how they have treated the non-muslims of the Ummah?

Complains continues………we are being stereotyped!
Who is responsible?
Western(and some even say Eastern) media, RSS, BJP…………………..

The real answer is, the so called stereotypes have not come from heaven, nor from the fictions of the western media. These stereotypes have come from examples which have been set by Muslims themselves throughout the fifteen centuries of their existence. These examples somehow outnumber, with great disproportion the good and contributory work of Muslims towards humanity. So much so, that all of us (excluding muslims) would agree that we would happily drop the desire for another APJ if it, in turn, assures the impossibility of terrorism, if it gives back the homeland, that thousands of non-muslims have lost to the Ummah.
The hue cries of discrimination and injustice is somehow built into the very instinct of every Muslim, who is in a country where majority people do not adhere to Islam. Every country where they are minority, they cry-shout-tear in desperation that they are victims. So how can we alleviate him from such feelings of insecurity? ?

Allow him to wear his topi, dirty beard, ankle un-touching pants, top to bottom burkha, even in the workplaces, ie. in short drop the very notion of aesthetics for them………….Allow them to create Mosques!(this is very important), in every corner. One per head is the most desired proportion………And also allow him to take his portable mosque every where he goes, in trains, offices, planes, just take out that small cloth, sit on your knees and start..123……….and thereafter to see him washing his dirty feet in the same office basin where we wash our faces. This whole earth is allah’s prop, so every building is a mosque……PROVEN.

This clumsy list goes on and on. To make him comfortable we have to make 10001 modifications specifically customized to their Islamic way of living which has a code of conduct for almost every thing- how to eat, how to wear, how to shave, how to dress and even how to piss!

It is this exclusivist attitude that itself creates the proto-rifts between communities (Muslims and the rest). Later on, when we see Taliban on youtube, Al Qaeda in CNN and off course, bombed up public places in our cities, these rifts widen and deepen

this post has been written in response to


రాజేష్ జి said...

Very good and thought provoken response. This is what i really too feel.. that christian propaganda terming muslims are terrorists to their own purpose.

Suraj said...

Thank you rajesh for your comments. You are the first comment-or on my blog. So a heraty welcome

Tushar Gupta said...

good one. In depth analysis. Waiting for more

Tushar Gupta said...

Good one , Indepth analysis. Waiting for more.
